Why Losing Weight Is So Hard (and how to fix it!)

I get so many messages from people who say “I want to lose weight,” but they have no idea where to start! So, since this is a question that I get so often, I wanted to share the three ways you can become ignited on your fitness journey. Whether you are wondering why losing weight is so hard, how to maintain your weight, or anything surrounding your goals about weight and body image, I am here to help!
1. Start Today
The more you resist and procrastinate, the harder it will be to reach your weight loss goals!
Don’t start Monday or wait until you are “ready.” Instead, start today!
Even if all you start with is a few minutes. A walk around the block, drinking one less soda, or signing up for a group fitness program can be just enough action to start that momentum rolling.
There are so many benefits to a group fitness program, but one of the biggest ones is that we challenge each other. You have a group of women who will show up for you and help you keep your momentum rolling past day one!
The motivation isn’t just going to appear… It comes from action!
And trust me, I am the world’s best procrastinator. I pride myself on being the best at thinking and acting on my feet at the last minute!
But the only way you can move forward is with action. So rip off the bandaid and ask yourself, “how badly do you want it?”
One of the reasons why losing weight is so hard is because you feel the results first. Instead of expecting overnight success, start small and start today! By showing up for yourself, you are proving that you are worth it and can accomplish your weight loss goals!
2. Set a Goal
There are two goals I believe are so important to your weight loss journey: a water intake goal and a step goal.
Setting a Water Goal
Are you wondering if losing weight by drinking water is possible? Although it won’t work on its own, adding more water to your daily intake can help you on your weight loss journey!
Water helps you with mental clarity. It helps you feel full and flushes you out. You will overall start to feel better by uping your hydration!
The easiest way to set a water goal is to take your body weight and divide it by two. Next, switch out the “pounds” for “ounces” and that is your benchmark water intake!
For example, if a person weighed 175lbs, they would take that number and divide it by two (87.5). That means this person’s benchmark water intake should be about 87 oz per day!
There are even plenty of fancy water bottles out there to help you track your water intake each day. Grab one, fill it up once, and stay consistent!
Setting a Step Goal
I like to tell my clients to set a step goal of 10,000 steps per day. One of the reasons why losing weight is so hard is because you aren’t getting up and moving enough! This is especially true if you have a desk job and have to be sitting most of the day.
It is definitely hard to get those steps in, but make it a priority! Grab a watch that tracks your steps or use your phone.
Another way to look at your step goal is to track some data. How many steps are you taking each day? How can you increase it?
Increase your step goal over time. If you’re currently taking 4,000 steps each day, make a goal to increase it to 7,000!
Why Losing Weight is So Hard Without Tracking
Once you set your goals, you should take at least a few weeks to track your progress!
Think about all of the other things that you track in your life: budgets, appointments, schedules…
Some people will say “tracking my water intake or steps is too much!”
But how do you know if you’re reaching your goals if you don’t track them?
A good start is to take 2–3 weeks and collect some data. Write down what you’re doing with your day, what you’re putting into your body, and your workouts.
This will help you notice if you are eating enough, how you are fueling your body, and how you are doing with your goals!
I even have a free habit tracker that will help train your mind to make different decisions that will bring your closer to your goals! Then, once you’re ready to go beyond a 30-day tracker, you can grab my Krystal Clear life planner to set yourself up for success for a whole year!
Make time to track your progress. Feeling that accomplishment and being able to see those results is so worth it!

3. Take a Look at Your Mindset
One of the biggest reasons why losing weight is so hard is because of your mindset!
How are you talking to yourself? Are you saying nasty things? Are you judging yourself?
If you are struggling with your mindset, I want you yo do this exercise:
Look at a picture of you as a child. Then, think about how you can help them today.
That person is inside of you!
Make sure you celebrate yourself. Give yourself some grace when it’s needed, but also give yourself discipline. Find that fine line between the two, and you will be well on your way to reaching your weight goals!
And if you need some help with your mindset, I have a free community where we can cheer each other on!
Reach All Of Your Weight Goals
If you have been wondering why losing weight is so hard, take a step back and try these three tips. It’s all about the small, daily actions that add up to help you reach your weight loss goals!
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